Single tooth implant

If you are missing a single tooth, one implant and a crown can replace it. A dental implant replaces both the lost natural tooth and its root.

What are the advantages of a single-tooth implant over a bridge?

In case of A Single Missing Tooth a dental implant provides several advantages over other tooth replacement options.

  • Looks and functions like a natural tooth
  • Unlike a tooth-supported fixed bridge that requires the adjacent teeth to be grinded and prepared to support the cemented bridge, a dental implant replaces a single tooth without sacrificing the health of neighbouring teeth
  • The bone is better preserved in dental implants as they integrate with your jawbone, helping to keep the bone healthy and intact compared with a bridge where some of the bone that previously surrounded the tooth begins to resorb (deteriorate). 
  • In the long term, a single implant can be more aesthetic  and easier to keep clean than a bridge. Gums can recede around a bridge, leaving a visible defect when the metal base or collar of the bridge becomes exposed. Resorbed bone beneath the bridge can lead to an unattractive smile.
  • And, the cement holding the bridge in place can wash out, allowing bacteria to decay the teeth that anchor the bridge.

What to expect: Dental implant placement usually involves the following steps:

Initial consultation:

The foundation of a successful implant procedure lies in careful diagnosis and treatment planning. Our expert implant team lead by highly experienced senior consultant implantologists will thoroughly examine your mouth, including taking X-rays or 3D cone beam CT SCAN to plan and simulate the surgery and formulate the best treatment plan options. Based on the above consultation and diagnostic aids your customized treatment options are developed diligently by our team lead by our senior consultant implantologist.

Detailed Discussion of all available treatment options

A detailed discussion is done to explain the pros and cons of all available treatment options and all concerns of the patient regarding the treatment protocol, cost, time and possible outcomes are addressed. This detailed session helps the patient take a well-informed decision regarding their preferred line of treatment with complete transparency and clarity regarding the possible treatment outcomes and logistics.   

Dental implant placement

At your next scheduled appointment, our expert implant team lead by highly experienced senior consultant implantologists will place the dental implant in your jawbone where your tooth is missing maintaining the highest standard of sterilization and hygiene. Although each patient’s experience is unique, most people find they experience less pain and discomfort than they expect, and typically return to work the next day. Local anaesthesia or IV sedation can be used to keep you comfortable, depending on the procedure. Post-implant surgery discomfort is similar to that of any other dental surgery.

Temporary Teeth

In certain cases which involve front teeth in the aesthetic zone or in cases where there are multiple/ full arch replacements, temporary teeth replacements need to be done till the osseointegration of the underlying implant/ implants  completes in the next few months.  Either implant retained crowns/bridges or tissue retained dentures may be given in such patients with aesthetic concerns or to maintain functionality. Patients will be on a soft food diet for the first few weeks to make sure your implants heal properly.


As you heal, your implant and jawbone will grow together in a process called osseointegration, forming a strong, long-lasting foundation for your replacement teeth. During this healing process, which can take up to a few months, you go on with your normal life with some precautions and periodic check-ups to assess the healing and osseointegration of the underlying dental implants.

Abutment placement

Once your implant bonds with your jawbone, a small healing cap is placed for 1-2 weeks and subsequently a connector – called an abutment – is placed on the dental implant just above the gumline. In some cases, the abutment can be placed at the same time as the implant.

Custom-make and attach new teeth

After your gums heal, your dental implant dentist will make impressions of your mouth and remaining teeth to custom-make your artificial teeth. These teeth – which can be an individual crown, implant-supported bridge or dentures containing multiple replacement teeth – will be attached to the abutment. Although they don’t decay, your new teeth will need the same routine care, checkups and cleanings as your natural teeth.

Periodic check-ups

Depending on the number and type of implants and replacement teeth you receive, the entire process can take three to nine months. After your dental implant placement is finished, you’ll visit your dental implant dentist periodically for follow-up checkups, just as you do your regular dentist.

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