
COMPONEER®(Composite enamel shells)

' SAME DAY VENEERS" - The Direct Composite Veneer System by COLTENE (Switzerland)

The COMPONEER is an innovative and easy-to-use system for restoring anterior teeth. COMPONEER are polymerised, prefabricated nano-hybrid-composite enamel shells that combine the advantages of direct composite restorations with the advantages of better esthetics of prefabricated veneers. Prior to Direct Composite Veneer System-'COMPONEER'  the treating dentist could only chose between a directly modelled composite restoration or elaborate more expensive indirect veneer technology.

The Direct Composite Veneer System adds an interesting dimension to these treatment options and gives dentists and patients a faster and more cost-effective treatment option over lab fabricated porcelain veneers . With this new "' SAME DAY VENEERS" easy-to-use and efficient treatment option patients can be given a naturally aesthetic smile in just a single session.


  • Aesthetic : prefabricated veneers may offer a more aesthetic solution over chair side direct composite restorations.
  • Economical:  Although they are more expensive than direct composite restorations  they are much  more economical than Porcelain Veneers
  • Faster Single sitting Solution:  Quality aesthetic dental restoration in just a single session compared to multiple visits required for placement of lab fabricated porcelain veneers.
  • Conservative:  Almost no damage to existing tooth structure as the extremely thin composite veneers allow for a high level of conservation of hard tooth substance during preparation
  • Long Lasting:    Novel micro-retentive inner surface increases wettability and ensures a lasting bond
  • Ease of use:  Easy to customise with composite and  wide range of uses in aesthetic and clinical applications


  • Componeers are made of composite fibres, which make them less durable and long-lasting than veneers
  • Harder to clean around your gum line. This can increase your risk for gum disease.
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