Aesthetic Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are the less visible alternative to metal braces and the combination of strength, affordability and aesthetics make ceramic braces the most popular braces amongst young adults . Ceramic braces function in the same way as traditional metal braces except they are clear, making them relatively less visible than traditional metal braces. The lower visibility of ceramic braces makes them the braces of choice for adults or older teenagers who have cosmetic concerns and desire minimum visibility of the braces.

Advantages of CERAMIC braces

  • Aesthetics: Blend in with the natural color of your teeth hence making them virtually unnoticeable. comfortable
  • Less Irritability: The modern brackets have rounded corners to reduce rubbing and irritation making them more comfortable.
  • Stain Free: Resist staining and discoloration.
  • Effectiveness: Ceramic braces move teeth almost as quickly as metal braces and when compared with plastic aligners, they even deliver a faster treatment. Ceramic braces are more efficient than aligners in achieving certain teeth correction like severe rotations, crowding cases.
  • Affordability : Although more expensive than metal braces , they are still much cheaper than aligners.
  • Lesser compliance dependence: As the braces are fixed and cannot be removed by the patient, the treatment is always advancing and requires lesser compliance than compared to aligners which require to be worn by the patient for minimum 20-22 hours a day, hence making them compliance dependant to achieve desired results.


  • Expensive: More expensive than metal braces.
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