Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding/ Teeth Buidup is a chairside dental procedure in which a tooth-colored resin reinforced composite material is applied, aesthetically sculpted and hardened with a special light, ultimately "bonding" the material to the tooth to improve a person's smile.

The most conservative approach for correcting tooth shape is direct resin composite buildup/ bonding, because it can be achieved without removal of tooth structure. The tooth can be easily reshaped and polished using this technique, especially in the emergence angle of the crown. In addition, this treatment is most conservative, most of the times not requiring any tooth preparation and less expensive compared to ceramic veneers. However, a composite veneer abrades and discolors with time. Dental bonding/ tooth buildup is one of the fastest and most economical of cosmetic dental procedures to address problems like discoloured teeth , worn off, chipped or broken teeth,  close spaces/ gaps between teeth  or aligning  uneven teeth (malaligned teeth) or irregularly placed teeth for cosmetic reasons


  • Most Economical: Most cost-effective solution 
  • Faster Single sitting Solution: Quality aesthetic dental restoration in just a single session compared to multiple visits required for placement of lab fabricated porcelain veneers.
  • Conservative: Almost no damage to existing tooth structure as the extremely thin composite veneers allow for a high level of conservation of hard tooth substance during preparation
  • Ease of Placement: easy to do.


  • More prone to fractures/ chipping
  • Susceptible to staining
  • Aesthetically no match for Porcelain Veneers, Lumineers and  Componeers
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