Orthodontic Retainers

Retainers can be broadly classified as

  • 1. Removable
  • 2. Permanent / Fixed retainers

Permanent or fixed retainers

Permanent or fixed retainers are made of a metal wire that is glued to your teeth. Usually, this wire is smooth and solid or has a braided texture. It’s attached to your teeth and adjusted to your bite to keep your teeth from shifting or becoming crooked . Recommended by orthodontists after braces to prevent your teeth from moving back to their original place.Permanent retainers are becoming increasingly popular where our orthodontist suspects compliance issues or patients difficulty in adhering to their guidelines for removable retainers

Removable retainers

Removable retainers made of thin metal wire and plastic or acrylic shaped to fit the roof of your mouth or along the inside of your lower teeth. The attached metal wire runs across the outside of your teeth to maintain alignment. Generally we use a combination of both removable and permanent retainers for the best long-term results

TypePermanent/ fixed retainer(Placed behind upper and lower front teeth)Removable acrylic retainer plate (Visible wire with palatal coverage)Essix Clear retainer (Almost Invisible)
Cost of retainerRs 2500- 3000 eachRs 2500- 3000 each Rs 2500- 3000 each
MaterialMetal wire: Stainless steel or titaniumAcrylic plate with metal wire (Customized)Bioplastic or polyurethane (Customized)
How long it lasts1-3 years(depending on maintenance)1–3 years (depending on maintenance)6–12 months (depending on maintenance)
  • Invisible as placed behind the teeth
  • No hassle of wearing and removing
  • Ideal choice if patient has difficulty adhering / compliance issues to guidelines for removable retainers
  • No effect on speech
  • Can’t be misplaced or lost
  • Can’t be damaged easily
  • Durable, can last for years
  • You can take them out at any time i.e. while eating,cleaning
  • Easy to clean, doesn’t stain easily
  • Easily adjustable
  • can choose plastic color to personalize
  • More Durable, can last for years
  • Teeth can easily be flossed
  • Fitted so that teeth stay in place better
  • Thinner and may be more comfortable
  • Clear, so they’re “invisible”
  • Convenient to have multiple copies made
  • Easily removed for eating and oral hygiene
  • Difficult to maintain oral hygiene, especially flossing around the permanent retainer.
  • Can’t be removed, so tartar and plaque can build up (which can lead to gum disease)
  • The wire may break off or debond, requiring repair or replacement
  • In case it breaks or debonds, can cause irritation to the tongue possible from the metal wire
  • Metal wire visible in front of teeth
  • Can be lost or damaged
  • Can cause excess saliva production
  • Can have bad odor due to bacteria living on it if not maintained well
  • May need replacing occasionally
  • Easier to lose or damage
  • Can cause excess saliva production initially
  • Can have bad odor due to bacteria living on it if not maintained well

How to maintain your retainers.

After completion of treatment, braces are removed and retainers usually need to be worn during night time after braces are removed to help your teeth "remember" their new positions

Post treatment patients must use the retainers for the prescribed period of wear which may vary from a year to a lifetime in certain cases, depending upon the severity of your problem. After a year of continuous full time wear retainers are used only intermittently, usually 4-5 days or daily nighttime in a week, for those who use them throughout their lives.

The care of the retainers is critical in retaining your teeth in their corrected position. Initially, you may find it difficult to speak with your new retainers. Practice speaking, reading, or singing out loud to get used to them faster.

Clean Your Retainer Regularly

We always advise our patients to treat your retainers as your own teeth! Carefully scrub your retainer with a toothbrush and warm water daily (avoid hot water). Brushing retainers removes the food deposits /plaque, and eliminates bad odors.

Additional cleaning of the retainers can be acieved by occasionally soaking your retainers in a specially prepared solution by mixing 1 part of sodium hypochlorite with ten parts of water, for 5-10 minutes. This helps remove plaque and odor due to long term wear. Never put your retainer in boiling water can wrap or melt and loose the desired fit and function.

In case of permanent retainers brush as you normally would, taking care to get your bristles in and out around all the crevices between the teeth so that no area gets neglected, especially areas near the bonded material or behind the wire itself.

Keep Retainers Safely

Remove retainers out when eating and ALWAYS keep your retainers safely in their case to avoid losing them in school or restaurants. Never wrap your retainer in a napkin during meals, it is common for them to be trashed accidentally. or leave them in a hot environment, It can wrap or melt and loose the desired fit and function. Retainers are breakable, so treat them with care. If retainers are lost or broken call us immediately Retainer replacement is expensive... with proper care they will last for years

Wear Retainers Full Time/ As Advised

Use your retainer as often as recommended, they are vital to maintain your teeth in their corrected position especially in the initial year after removal of your braces.

Keep Your Retainer Away From Pets

Keep your retainer safe and away from pets at all time, Pets love to chew on them.

Replace Your Retainer When Needed

If you find that your retainer is deteriorating or ill-fitting , contact us immediately Even a well-made retainer eventually wears out, replacing them is important part of of maintaining your smile.

Carefully Put On And Take Off Your Retainer

Always loosen your retainer in several places when you remove it and then ease it off, never try to forcibly remove the retainer as the retainer may get damaged and ALWAYS keep your retainers safely in their case to avoid losing them .

Always bring your retainers to your appointments

We need to check the fit and function of the retainer, always wear the retainer when you visitt for your post treatment follow-up.

Brush your teeth before and after wearing your retainer

Before and after putting on your retainer, brush your teeth to avoid plaque and subsequent caries on the supporting teeth and avoiding plaque/ food lodgment and bad odor from the retainer.

PERMANENT RETAINERS- The wire may break off or debond, requiring repair or replacement.

breaks or debonds, can cause irritation to the tongue possible from the metal wire. Please call and schedule an appintment.

If you have any discomfort/ questions or concerns about your retainers, please call us, do not try to adjust them yourself.

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